Board of Directors
The following is the current Board of Directors of the KSC.
To email someone directly, please click on their name.
2024 Board (London ON)
From L-R: Jody Stark, Anita Perlau, Hélène Boucher, Laurel Forshaw, Kyle Martis, Cathy Horbas, Maureen Dunn, Gena Norbury, Sarah Schaub, Kim Eyre, Susan Kiddie
Board Executive:
Hélène Boucher (Québec)
President, Alla Breve Editor
Après avoir terminé ses études en interprétation, Hélène Boucher a complété un doctorat en éducation musicale à l'Université McGill en 2008. En plus de sa formation académique, elle a enseigné la musique à la petite enfance et au primaire pendant plus de 15 ans, en utilisant la méthode Kodály adaptée aux francophones. Elle est certifiée pour enseigner la méthode Kodály par l'Organisation of American Kodály Educators - OAKE. Elle est présentement professeure en éducation musicale à l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), après avoir enseigné à l'Université McGill et à l'Université Laval. Elle a reçu un prix d'excellence pour son enseignement au primaire en 2010, ainsi que le prix Outstanding Teacher Award de la Faculté d'éducation de l'Université McGill. Elle a également été nommée pour son enseignement à la Faculté d'éducation de l'Université McGill en tant qu'enseignante de l'année en 2017. Ses recherches portent sur l'adaptation culturelle, en français pour le Québec, de l'approche Kodály; sur le mentorat individualisé comme moyen d'enseignement dans la formation des éducateurs musicaux de la petite enfance et sur l'impact de l'éducation musicale sur le développement socio-émotionnel des jeunes enfants. Elle a été invitée à présenter les résultats de ses études lors de diverses conférences au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe. Elle est aussi fréquemment invitée à donner des conférences et des formations en éducation musicale à la petite enfance et au primaire.
After finishing her studies in performance, Hélène Boucher completed a doctorate in music education at McGill University in 2008. In addition to her academic training, she has taught music in early childhood and elementary school for over 15 years, using the Kodály method adapted to Francophones. She is certified to teach the Kodály method by the Organization of American Kodály Educators - OAKE. She is currently Professor of Music Education at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), after teaching at McGill University, where she was since 2005. She was also Visiting Professor at Université Laval between 2013 and 2018. She received an Award of Excellence for her elementary music education in 2010, as well as the Outstanding Teacher Award from McGill University's Faculty of Education. She was also nominated for her teaching at the Faculty of Education at McGill University as a Teacher of the Year in 2017. Her research focuses on the cultural adaptation, in French for Quebec, of the Kodály approach; on individualized mentoring as a teaching medium in early childhood music educator training, and on the impact of music education on socio-development of young children. She has been invited to present the results of her studies at various conferences in Canada, in the United States and in Europe. She is also frequently invited to offer lectures and trainings in early childhood and elementary music education.
Maureen Dunn (Nova scotia)
Maureen Dunn has been an elementary music educator since 1992 with the Halifax Regional Centre for Education, located in Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Mi’kma’ki. She has taught in all of the elementary schools in Kjipanu’pek (St. Margaret’s Bay) area, proudly being based out of her home school of Tantallon Senior Elementary during this time. She also founded the St. Margaret’s Bay Boys’ Honour Choir in 2008 and directed them for 5 years.
Maureen’s involvement on the provincial executive of the Kodály Society of Nova Scotia - a role in which she continues to serve - eventually lead her to enrol in the 3-year summer study program at the University of Calgary, receiving Kodály Certification in 2002. Always wanting to challenge her knowledge and perception as an educator, she received a Master in Education (Curriculum Studies) from Acadia University in 2014.
Maureen is honoured to have previously served on the Executive Board of the Kodály Society of Canada in the role as Director and Advertisement Editor, Alla Breve, 1999-2009.
Dr. Laurel Forshaw
Laurel Forshaw (ONTARIO)
Laurel Forshaw (PhD) is a choral conductor, music educator, and researcher. Her research in decolonization and Indigenization seeks to draw attention to the disparity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous participation in higher music education within Canada and to encourage and engage in meaningful decolonization and Indigenization within music education and higher music education. Laurel holds a Master of Arts in Music Education (Choral Conducting) and Kodály and Orff-Schulwerk certification from the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, and serves on faculty for the Kodály certification program at Western University and as treasurer for the Kodály Society of Canada. Laurel has served as a course instructor at the University of Toronto (elementary music education) and Lakehead University (conducting) and has recently returned to teaching at Lakehead University. An active choral conductor, Laurel was most recently conductor of the Strata Vocal Ensemble in Hamilton, ON, and before that, she was Artistic Director of the Dulcisono Women’s Choir, and founder and Artistic Director of the Rafiki Youth Choir, both in Thunder Bay, ON.
Gena Norbury (Ontario)
Hailing from Newfoundland, Gena is an Education Champion award winner from the Peel District School Board where she taught K-8 music for 32 years. Gena received her formal training at Memorial University in Newfoundland graduating with a B. Mus. and B. Mus. Ed. She also holds an Associate Degree from the Trinity College, London in piano performance. For a decade, Gena volunteered on the Ontario Music Educators' Association board and served as President from 2014-2016. At the same time, she spent six years as the membership coordinator on the Canadian Music Educators' Association board and continues to serve on the Kodály Society of Ontario board, presenting workshops throughout Ontario. Gena is the proud recipient of the Hazel McCallion Volunteer of the Year Award for her work with Con Brio Singers, a nationally recognized youth choir she founded with her husband, Kevin, while living in Mississauga.
Now retired, Gena devotes her time to the community of Port Rowan as a volunteer at Long Point Bird Observatory, librarian for Birds Canada, teaching piano, voice, and theory to a diverse range of students, and conducting the choir at Trinity Anglican, Simcoe as well as Norfolk County’s, Spiritoso Singers.
Jody Stark (Manitoba)
Past-president | IKS liaison
Dr. Jody Stark is an Assistant Professor in Music Education at the Desautels Faculty of Music at the University of Manitoba. Jody is an experienced teacher educator who, until recently, taught the pedagogy and materials component of a certified Kodály levels program which she helped to start at the University of Alberta. Prior to becoming a teacher educator, Dr. Stark taught music for many years in elementary schools in both English and French. Jody has studied music education at the University of Alberta, University of Manitoba, the Kodály Intézet, and with Lois Choksy at the University of Calgary. Her current research centres on the professional learning experiences of elementary music teachers, traditional music materials of Canada, and how people learn to audiate and sight-sing. Jody is proud to be the coordinator of the University of Manitoba Orff-Schulwerk and Kodály certificate programs, and is excited to be teaching in U of M’s new Kodály levels program.
Susan Kiddie
Susan Kiddie (BC)
Susan Kiddie is a K-12 music educator who
presently teaches music full-time at Nestor Elementary School in Coquitlam, British Columbia. Originally from New Zealand, Susan received her BMus in Violin Performance and Musicology and her MMus (First Class Honours) in Musicology and Composition from the University of Auckland, NZ and her Diploma of Teaching in Secondary School Music from the Christchurch Teachers' Training College, NZ. She taught secondary school music (choral specialist) in Auckland, NZ for 5 years before emigrating to Vancouver, Canada. She is an alumnus of the National Youth Choir of NZ which won the prestigious Let the Peoples Sing competition in 1986 during her time in this choir. Susan has an ARCT in Voice Performance and an LTCL in Piano Pedagogy. For over 30 years, Susan has been a church soloist at Spirit of Life Lutheran Church and St Andrews Wesley United Church in downtown Vancouver. She was soprano soloist for two European tours to Prague (2022 and 2006) with Pacific Singers. Susan has produced two CDs, Memories of Prague (2002) and Dreams and Songs of Love (2022). She has all 3 levels of Orff (recipient of the Birthe Kulich Scholarship) and Level 1 Kodály (winner of the Kodály Level 1 Scholarship). Susan is a strong advocate of Music Education and serves on several boards, including President of the CMTA and Metro-Vancouver Representative of BCCF. She is a professional piano teacher (RMT and MYCC) who maintains a busy home studio.
Kyle Martis
Kyle Martis (Québec)
Director | Alla Brevé Layout
Kyle Martis believes in the use of singing at all levels of music education. He is a graduate of the Master of Arts program at the Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in Kecskemét, Hungary. He is an active instructor and conductor with the Canadian Forces and the Cadet Program of Canada. He has also taught at the elementary and high school level within the Quebec school system. His research interests are primarily focused on the implementation of Kodály philosophy and design within musicianship classes at the post-secondary level.
Kyle Martis croit en l'utilisation du chant à tous les niveaux de l'éducation musicale. Il est diplômé du programme de maîtrise à l’Institut pédagogique Zoltán Kodály de l’Académie de musique Ferenc Liszt à Kecskemét, en Hongrie. Il travaille activement comme instructeur et chef d’orchestre au sein des Forces canadiennes et le Programme des cadets du Canada. Il a également enseigné au niveau primaire et secondaire dans le système scolaire québécois. Ses recherches portent principalement sur la mise en œuvre de la philosophie et de la conception Kodály dans les cours de solfège au niveau postsecondaire.
Tara Sampson (Nova Scotia)
Tara Sampson has been teaching elementary music in the Sambro area, outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia, for 18 years. She considers herself lucky to teach in her hometown and is dedicated to building a music program based on culture and relationship building in this beautiful community. Tara studied music at UPEI, completed a Masters at Acadia University, and most recently finished Kodaly Level 1 in Halifax. She sings with family and friends at community events and in the summer organizes the Sambro Sou Wester Days Ceilidh. Each of these experiences has shaped her love of community and sharing music with others. Tara has been the editor of the KSNS newsletter since 2017.
Sarah Schaub
Sarah Schaub (Alberta)
Director | Communication and Social Media Liason
Sarah Schaub is a music specialist in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, teaching grade 1 to 4 classroom music. Previous to her time teaching in elementary schools, Sarah taught highschool choir and musical theatre, primary community choir, and has worked as a clinician for local community choirs and music festivals. Sarah has a Bachelor of Music, a Bachelor of Education, and a Masters in Education. In addition to her work as an educator, Sarah has performed as a soprano soloist for organizations throughout Western Canada, and is a professional chorister with Pro Coro Canada. She is also the President of the Alberta Kodály Association.
John Wiebe
John Wiebe
John Wiebe enjoys a varied music career, having played with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, London Symphonia, Niagara Symphony, Nota Bene Baroque Players (Kitchener Waterloo), International Symphony Orchestra, and various ensembles in Southwestern Ontario, and as soloist with the London Community Orchestra. Career highlights include a concert tour to Beijing in 2019, the world premiere recording of the Alessandra Scarlatti opera Gli equivoci nel sembiante with Capella Intima (2020), and solo performances with the London Community Orcehstra and International Symphony Orchestra. His music training includes training with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Civic Youth Ensembles, undergraduate studies at the University of Windsor, and graduate work at Western University. He is heavily influenced by historically informed performance, and is at home on both modern and baroque viola.
Passionate about youth education, John maintains a private studio in London, Ontario, teaching viola, violin, and guitar, and managing the London Youth Symphony. John is certified as a teacher with the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) and the Ontario Registered Teacher’s Association (ORMTA).
KSBC: Jennifer West
AKA: Sarah Schaub
MKS: Leanne Jensen
KSO: Kim Eyre
KQc: Jennifer YM Lee
KSNS: Maureen Dunn
Dr. Cathy Benedict, Western University
Dr. Hélène Boucher, Université du Québec à Montreal
Dr. Kim Eyre, Western University
Dr. Eila Petersen, King’s University
Dr. Ardelle Ries, University of Alberta, Augustana
Dr. Sheila Scott, Brandon University
Dr. Jody Stark, University of Manitoba
KSC Boards of Years Past:
2023 Board Meetings (Campbell River)
(From L-R) Helen van Spronsen, Anita Perlau, Maureen Dunn, Jake Autio, Cathy Horbas, Jody Stark, Stephanie Schuurman-Olson, Laurel Forshaw, Hélène Boucher, Kim Eyre. (Missing) Susan Kiddie, Kyle Martis, Gena Norbury.
2022 Board meetings (online). From top left - bottom right: Helen Van Spronsen, Jody Stark, Jake Autio, Anita Perlau, Cathy Horbas, Jamie Popowich, Kim Eyre, Laurel Forshaw, Hélène Boucher, Maureen Dunn, Sara Joy, Marni Strome, Stephanie Schuurman-Olson, Angela McKeown, Louise Grinstead.
2021 Board meetings (online)
2020 Board Meetings in Calgary. Back L-R: Ardelle Ries, Hélène Boucher, Marni Strome, Jake Autio, Jamie Popowich, Helen Van Spronsen. Front L-R: Louise Grinstead, Rachel Jean, Jody Stark, Jan Taylor-Bilenki, Kim Eyre.
Missing: Andreas Berko, Laurel Forshaw, Cathy Benedict
2018 Board Meeting in Halifax
2019 Board Meeting in Winnipeg
2017 Board Meeting in Ontario
2016 Board Meeting in Calgary
2017 Board at the IKS Symposium in Camrose