Choose your plan

Membership has its advantages!

Memberships for the KSC are purchased through provincial branches. If your province does not have a branch, please choose the closest province.

Provincial branch members automatically become members of the Kodály Society of Canada, joining together with musician-educator colleagues from across Canada to serve as a voice for music education in Canada.

Membership benefits include:

  • KSC journal, Alla Breve

  • KSC e-Blast and Blog

  • A network of teachers of music from across the country

  • Member’s only content, including access to past workshops and Kodály resources

  • Voting rights in your provincial branch and the KSC

Membership fees recur yearly, and may be cancelled anytime via your member’s account

Choisissez votre forfait

L'adhésion a ses avantages !
Les adhésions à la SKC sont achetées auprès des associations provinciales. Si votre province n'a pas d'association, veuillez choisir la province la plus proche.

Les membres des associations provinciales deviennent automatiquement membres de la Société Kodály du Canada, se joignant à des collègues musiciens-éducateurs de partout au Canada pour servir de porte-parole de l'éducation musicale au Canada.

Les avantages de l'adhésion comprennent :

  • Revue de la SKC, Alla BreveSKC e-Info et Blogue

  • Connexion à un réseau de professeurs de musique de partout au pays

  • Contenu réservé aux membres, y compris l'accès aux ateliers passés et aux ressources Kodály

  • Droits de vote dans votre association provinciale et à la SKC

Kodály Society of British Columbia (KSBC)
Every year

Become a member of the KSC through the Kodály Society of British Columbia. Students use code KSBCSTUDENT for a $20 membership. Retired teachers use code KSBCRETIRED for a $30 membership.

Kodály Society of Ontario (KSO)
Every year

Become a member of the KSC through the Kodály Society of Ontario. Students use code KSOSTUDENT for a $20 membership. Retired teachers use code KSORETIRED for a $30 membership.

Alberta Kodály Association (AKA)
Every year

Become a member of the KSC through the Alberta Kodály Association. Students use code AKASTUDENT for a $20 membership. Retired teachers use code AKARETIRED for a $30 membership.

Kodály Québec (KQc)
Every year

Devenez membre de la SKC par l'intermédiaire de Kodály Québec. Étudiants, utilisez le code KQCSTUDENT pour une adhésion au coût de 20$. Retraités, utilisez le code KQCRETIRED pour une adhésion au coût de 30$.

Manitoba Kodály Society (MKS)
Every year

Become a member of the KSC through the Manitoba Kodály Society. Students use code MKSSTUDENT for a $20 membership. Retired teachers use code MKSRETIRED for a $30 membership.

Kodály Society of Nova Scotia (KSNS)
Every year

Become a member of the KSC through the Kodály Society of Nova Scotia. Students use code KSNSSTUDENT for a $20 membership. Retired teachers use code KSNSRETIRED for a $30 membership.