We are working to ensure we provide culturally appropriate and vetted materials. If you come across a resource we have posted you feel needs further review please let us know as soon as possible.
Black Music History Library “This is a living collection of books, articles, documentaries, series, podcasts and more about the Black origins of traditional and popular music dating from the 18th century to present day. Resources are organized chronologically and by genre for ease of browsing.”
Decolonizing the Music Room is leading the way in professional development in the decolonization of music education. A must have on your browser bookmark list.
Kodály with Esther is a [paid] musicianship development course for music teachers to hone their skills at home including an Introduction to the Kodály Approach via Practical Musicianship
OAKE Music Resource Sheet Organization of American Kodály Educators’ has complied many resources for teaching during the pandemic.
Guidance for Music Classes in BC Coalition for Music Education BC & BC Music Educators’ Association has put together some guidelines for the fall. is FREE for students! “[Denise Gagne] has disabled the login and password so students can just go to the website and use it - with no login or password! It's our intention to keep this open for students until summer.”
Ms. Olson’s Quarantunes includes inspirational interviews with musicians from around the world and across spectrums, lesson ideas, and lots more!
Georgia A Newlin has curated tons of links in her Quarantine Corner to different websites of interest.
Deborah Smith has collated resources for secondary schools
Newsletter from Kodaly Society here in Melbourne Australia fully about remote learning.
Contextualize music with Google Treks
MusiCounts has another fabulous collection of resources!
The goal of the Musician of the Month listening curriculum is to inspire all students to be life-long, active music-makers through featuring diverse musicians who act as musical role models.
Te Rito Toi helps teachers work with children when they first return to school following major traumatic or life changing events.
Stars and Catz online music games