Interested in financially supporting the KSC?
Thank you for thinking of us!
If you are interested in making a donation to the KSC, please contact our treasurer, Laurel Forshaw, through the contact form below.
We are so grateful for your support!
Charitable Status
The Kodály Society of Canada/Société Kodály du Canada KSC/SKC is a Registered Charity within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Registration No.: 118986686 RR 0001). The Society therefore provides charitable tax receipts for eligible charitable donations.
Vision Statement
The Kodály Society of Canada promotes and supports music education that
a) fosters a life long love and understanding of music, and
b) recognizes music’s inherent value, utilizing the ideals inspired by Zoltán Kodály.
Mission Statement
The Kodály Society of Canada will act for the direct benefit of Canadian society, so that educators and students of all ages and levels will be musically literate and have the potential to lead musically enriched lives. The KSC will establish a network of like-minded music educators through provincial/territorial branches and electronic media as well as Kodály inspired professional development opportunities including conference/workshops, teacher training courses, research, and publication.
Aims of the KSC
To advance education in music by:
1. Providing workshops, seminars, courses and publications based on the Kodály concept;
2. Developing testing standards and education materials for music educators;
3. Providing scholarships, bursaries and awards to music students, teachers and researchers;
4. Gifting funds to qualified donees as defined in subsection 149.1 (1) of the Income Tax Act.