Course Certification
KSC Course Certification Information
To be endorsed by the Kodály Society of Canada, a Kodály Programme requires course offerings in the areas of musicianship, pedagogy, folk music, conducting, and ensemble. Students receiving KSC-endorsed certification should also have experience in choral ensembles and demonstrate proficiency in the use of the voice and keyboard, appropriate to the music classroom. Students should be music makers. Performance artistry is expected and encouraged. Other areas of study -such as folk dance, research skills, folk instruments, applied music, and learning theory- may be included at the discretion of the primary institution.The requisite skills for Kodály certification may be developed during several summer courses, a year-long programme, or other formats. For more detailed information, please clink on the course certification resources links.
Guidelines for KSC Endorsed Kodály Certification Programmes.
Application and Annual Report for KSC Endorsement of a Kodály Certification Programme.