Provincial Scholarships
Scholarships are available at the national level (KSC) and within provincial branches offering a course during the summer. Members are welcome to apply for scholarships at the Provincial and National levels.
Click the links below to see province-specific scholarships available through each branch.
National Scholarships
KSC Kodály Canadian
Summer Study Scholarships 2025
APPLICATION deadline: June 20, 2025
Kodály Level I, II, or III Level Scholarships:
Kodály Levels l, ll, or lll Scholarships for 2025
Two (2) $500 Scholarships for students enrolled in a Kodály Level course at either Kodály Society Nova Scotia, Western University, Ontario, or University of Alberta.
One (1) $500 Lois Choksy Memorial Scholarship for students enrolled in a Kodály Level course at either Kodály Society Nova Scotia, Western University, Ontario, or University of Alberta.
One (1) $500 Darlene Ngo Memorial Scholarship for students enrolled in a Kodály Level course at either Kodály Society Nova Scotia, Western University, Ontario, or University of Alberta.
Acceptance of this funding will incur a responsibility on the applicant’s part to submit either a summary of their experience in the course, a detailed Kodály lesson plan, or another Kodály-inspired activity/article written by the applicant.
The student is asked to send in their reflection choice, a headshot and short bio, no later than August 15, 2025. These will be shared in the next Alla Breve and the headshot shared on the KSC website under winners. Scholarship monies will be sent upon completion of the above expectations.
For more information or questions, please contact Gena at
2023 Scholarship Winners
Crystal Tan
Meredith Wanstall
Kaitlyn Dietzmann
Julie Doust
Lois Wells-Bernard
Marlene Nolet
KSC Scholarship for Study at the
Kodály Institute of the
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
One (1) $1000 scholarship is available for a member of the KSC to study at the Kodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary.
This scholarship is made possible through the Klara and Oscar Bookbinder Legacy Fund
Please note:
• Applicants must be members of the Kodály Society of Canada
• Proof of registration/payment/attendance will be required before funds will be disbursed
• Successful applicants will be required to write an article about their experiences at the Institute for the KSC’s publication Alla Breve (photos welcome!)
• Successful applicants are encouraged to serve in their provincial KSC branch/community upon their return to Canada
The purpose of the Award is to commemorate the worldwide contribution to the Music Education of young children made by Katalin Forrai during her lifetime. It is also to encourage, inspire and reward teachers in Early Years, Nursery and Kindergarten settings throughout the world who are contributing to her legacy through their work with children and teachers today.
The Award will comprise a certificate and an ornamental owl which symbolises Kati’s great wisdom. £200 will also be given to the successful recipient to help with expenses involved in attending the Presentation.
Nominees will
Be nominated by two people
Have a minimum of 10 years teaching experience
Show commitment to, and evidence of, success in implementing and practising the beliefs of the late Katalin Forrai
Have experience of working in different nursery/kindergarten/pre-school/Early Years/Foundation stage settings and /or different age groups within the same setting.
Darlene Ngo Memorial Fund Scholarship
The Kodály Society of Canada is grateful for the ongoing support of the Darlene Ngo Memorial Fund to provide members scholarships for study in accredited Canadian Kodály summer programs or for study at the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music.
International Kodály Society Scholarships &
Sarolta Kodály Scholarships
Granted through the IKS
The International Kodály Society offers a number of scholarships for IKS members to participate in high quality training Kodály courses. The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage and to support the study of the music and ideas of Zoltán Kodály, as they apply to musical performance, pedagogy and composition.
For details please see IKS Scholarships and/or Sarolta Kodály Scholarship I for new students or Sarolta Kodály Scholarship II for returning students of the Kodály Institute.
Please visit the IKS page for more information about IKS Scholarships.