Music made together heals earth and humankind.
The KSBC is a branch of the Kodály Society of Canada and seeks to uphold the vision of our national society.
In addition, we strive to bring together a community of musician educators in British Columbia who share the vision of a universal music education based on the principles of Zoltan Kodály and best practices of Kodály-inspired educators from the 20th and 21st century.
We seek to discuss, discover, and enact the best quality music education for our current context in British Columbia and in Canada.

Upcoming Events
Improvised Music and Drumming Workshop with Deanna Gestrin
KSBC Members can find your discount code for the members-only rate by logging into the Member’s Page

Board of Directors
President: Jennifer West
Vice President (Lower Mainland): Susan Kiddie
Registrar: Ruby Seah
Treasurer: Natalia Pardalis
Secretary: Rebecca Clausen
Member at Large: Kristine Kosolofski
Honorary member: Annie Shum

Join today!
Membership has its advantages!
Memberships for the KSC are purchased through provincial branches. If your province does not have a branch, please choose the closest province.
Provincial branch members automatically become members of the Kodály Society of Canada, joining together with musician-educator colleagues from across Canada to serve as a voice for music education in Canada.
Membership benefits include:
KSC journal, Alla Breve
KSC e-Blast and Blog
A network of teachers of music from across the country
Member’s only content, including access to past workshops and Kodály resources
Voting rights in your provincial branch and the KSC
Membership fees recur yearly, and may be cancelled anytime via your member’s account
Become a member of the KSC through the Kodály Society of British Columbia. Students use code KSBCSTUDENT for a $20 membership. Retired teachers use code KSBCRETIRED for a $30 membership.


Contact Us
Please complete the form below

Visit the KSC Resource page for a wide variety of free resources as well as our KSC Members page for exclusive resources and curricula.
Resources here are specific to British Columbia. If you would like to upload or recommend a resource please e-mail kodalybc@gmail.com
Kodály-Inspired Interpretation of BC’s Arts Education Curriculum
This document provides an overview of Kodály-Inspired pedagogy in the style of BC’s Arts Education Curriculum by Jake Autio. Disclaimer: this is not an official government document, merely one interpretation of the curriculum from a Kodály standpoint.
Kodály Summer Institute July 2013 Informance
Demonstration of skills learned through Kodály Level 1, University of Victoria Summer 2013.